I want to tell you a story.
Just a little over two weeks ago, on the first Saturday in May, I was standing in the middle of New York City’s Times Square.
As many of you know, I was there to participate in Focus on the Family’s historic “Alive from New York” celebration, the largest ever gathering of pro-life supporters in the Empire State.
We had prayed and planned for 10,000 people.
By 3:00 P.M., under a sunny and clear blue sky, nearly 20,000 individuals had flooded into the iconic “Crossroads of the World.”
The invitation to come watch a live 4D ultrasound of a third-trimester baby – in the middle of a city where more black babies are aborted than born each year – had clearly struck a nerve.
I had even invited Governor Andrew Cuomo, New York’s chief executive, despite the fact he previously suggested pro-life individuals were not welcome in the state. Unfortunately, my outreach to Governor Cuomo was never acknowledged. I wasn’t surprised.
But standing on stage that afternoon, I could see out across 7th Avenue to the sidewalk crowd of protestors who had gathered to try and disrupt our event. Many of them carried crude, rude and defamatory signs. A few were banging drums. One was even playing a tuba. All of them were chanting their opposition to pre-born life and voicing their support for abortion.
And then, it happened.
As the first 4D ultrasound images of Abby Johnson’s baby flickered across the screen, Times Square fell silent. I peeked across to the protestors, many of whom were looking in our direction and at the sight of the video playing on our big screens.
I almost couldn’t believe what I saw.
When the baby’s heartbeat echoed off the buildings, several of the protestors lowered their signs. The chanting stopped. Their gazes became fixed. Mouths opened.
It reminded me of what we read of the description of Saul’s conversion in Acts: “And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes …” (Acts 9:18).
It was a scene and moment I’ll remember for the rest of my life.
Were they all suddenly converted from hardened abortion supporters to advocates for pre-born life?
I don’t know.
We may never know.
But as the national conversation ramps up this year about the sanctity of life and numerous states like Alabama, Georgia and Missouri draft and pass courageous legislation aimed to protect innocent and vulnerable pre-born babies, those of us working to save the innocents should be both excited and encouraged.
You should also be aware that in desperation, the abortion zealots are dishing out all kinds of false and misleading information about abortion. They know they’re losing public support.
In an article published just this week in The New Yorker, an author attempts to make the case that abortion is “morally good.”
An abortionist writing in yesterday’s New York Times echoed a similar lie, stating, “Pregnancy is dangerous; abortion can be lifesaving.”
Do you see a pattern here?
Anti-life supporters like to suggest late-term abortion is rare. But even a small percentage of a big number is still a big number.
Another popular lie is that recent legislation calls for the jailing of women who have abortions.
It doesn’t. It’s the doctors who risk criminal prosecution.
Then there are the abortion supporters who are twisting themselves in knots trying to somehow explain away the reality that a baby inside a womb is a human being. In fact, Christine Quinn, a former New York lawmaker, told CNN earlier this month, “When a woman is pregnant, that is not a human being inside of her.”
The absurdity doesn’t stop there.
The actress-turned-pro-abortion activist Alyssa Milano refused to say that a pre-born baby has a heartbeat. Instead she called it “fetal pole activity.”
Of course, just saying something doesn’t make it so, which is why the case for life is winning despite all the left-wing propaganda dished out in recent weeks and months.
You’ll be hearing more from us in the coming weeks about our plans to build upon “Alive from New York.”
In the meantime, let’s keep praying for and encouraging brave and courageous legislators who are drafting and passing legislation aimed to preserve and protect life!
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