“Focus on the Family is encouraged by Tuesday’s election results – a decisive electoral and popular vote triumph for President-elect Donald Trump – but not because of any partisan cheerleading.
“Instead, the outcome confirms American families are hungry to live in a nation where they can raise their children in an environment that is physically safe, economically viable, and where moms and dads and kids can unapologetically worship God. They believe parents – not politicians – have the authority to guide and direct their children’s education. They believe their daughters shouldn’t have to fear boys in their locker room – or face off against them in a woman’s sporting event. They’re fed up with politicians making common sense complex in an effort to confuse and advance an anti-family agenda.
“Scripture commands Christians to pray for ‘all those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness’ (1 Timothy 2:2), and so we must lift up the former and future president, as well as President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris – and all those who are guiding and leading our nation.
“The 10 state abortion initiative results reflect divided and uneven sentiment regarding the sanctity of life in America. We celebrate pro-life wins in Florida, South Dakota and Nebraska. Special thanks and congratulations to Governor Ron DeSantis who boldly, courageously and successfully campaigned to defeat the Florida abortion initiative. He demonstrated strong and confident leadership in the face of angry and well-funded opposition. Governor DeSantis modeled the way to advocate for a principled position by leaning into the issue and not slinking away from it.
“Governors who embraced the fight for life delivered victories for children and their mothers. Those who hid from the issue saw defeat.
“In Florida, babies will now live as abortion remains illegal after a heartbeat can be detected.
“The tragic passage of abortion laws in seven other states reflects the important work we have in the pro-life movement to make abortion unthinkable. We now press ahead to persuade more people in every state that it’s a baby in the womb deserving of love and protection!
“As the apostle Paul commanded, “Let us not grow weary in well-doing.”
A Christian says