By now you’ve likely heard that David Daleiden, the pro-life investigator and founder of the Center for Medical Progress who last summer published a series of undercover videos exposing the morbid business of Planned Parenthood, has been indicted by a grand jury in Houston.
Let that sink in for a moment. Planned Parenthood was exonerated, and the person who brought to light their scandalous and potentially illegal activity has now been charged with a crime.
More on that in a moment.
Rarely have I seen such a vivid example of the prophet Isaiah’s warning of people ”who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (5:20)
You may recall that David was part of an undercover team posing as potential buyers of fetal remains for medical research. He visited with officials of Planned Parenthood in several locations around the country and discussed prices and details surrounding the harvesting of various organs from aborted babies for research.
The videos were shocking and several governors quickly called for investigations of Planned Parenthood’s dealings with medical researchers in the market for fetal body parts. As a result, several states have stopped doing business with Planned Parenthood and several more are in the process of doing so. Congress even passed a law defunding Planned Parenthood, but it was vetoed by President Obama.
Texas was one of those states where top government officials were outraged by what they saw on the videos. They began (and still are) investigating Planned Parenthood. They also asked the district attorney in Houston to begin an investigation of Planned Parenthood’s Houston affiliate using the grand jury system.
Now David’s in hot water and Planned Parenthood is cheering.
The grand jury charges stem from David’s undercover work, in which he (1) purportedly created a fake driver’s license in order to sustain his undercover identity; and (2) sent Planned Parenthood a letter inquiring whether Planned Parenthood would sell him fetal body parts, which is, of course, the whole purpose behind David’s investigation.
David’s defense is that he was doing the same thing other investigative journalists do when performing undercover work, and he did not intend to break any laws.
Dr. Russell Moore and I interviewed David last week at the Evangelicals for Life conference in Washington, D.C. (before the news of the Houston grand jury) where he explained that his words and actions employed during his investigation were intended to “serve the truth.” It would be difficult to overstate how impressed I was with him. At just 27 years of age, he is fearlessly attempting to save lives by exposing lies. He is a whistleblower of the finest order.
David is also fighting a civil lawsuit against him from Planned Parenthood over those videos, so the grand jury’s action this week is a double blow.
I think Planned Parenthood is worried about protecting their cash flow, and with more than half a billion dollars in yearly taxpayer funding at stake, it has the motivation and resources to come down hard on those who endanger its business. I’m sure David did not begin his investigation without understanding that.
As my friend and former Focus board member Dr. Al Mohler said at a Focus on the Family chapel yesterday, I’m not a lawyer. I’m a Christian. I’m not sure whether or not David technically crossed a legal line in his investigative efforts. What I do know for certain is that Planned Parenthood is violating God’s laws.
I appreciate David’s sincere desire to end the slaughter of innocent preborn babies by increasing public awareness of the horrors of abortion and its dark underbelly, the abortion business. I admire his courage and bravery and ask you to please join me in praying for David as he navigates the turbulent waters to come.
I also ask you to take action yourself to help save preborn babies from abortion by giving to our Option Ultrasound program, which allows abortion vulnerable mothers to meet their babies through ultrasounds.
Through Option Ultrasound, your gift will provide pregnancy medical clinics with ultrasound machines, resources, and training. Research shows that when moms see their babies and hear their heartbeats and can talk to a counselor, 54 percent choose life! Since 2004, Option Ultrasound has helped save an estimated 358,000 babies.
Just $60 can help save the life of a preborn baby through Option Ultrasound. Give today to SAVE LIVES!
Please let me know how you’re processing this latest turn of events. Do you share my outrage?
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