Is your marriage stuck in the doldrums?
The word “doldrums” is a nautical term. It describes a region near the equator where trade winds from the north converge with trade winds from the south. They neutralize each other to the point that wind near the ocean surface completely dies out. That’s bad news for vessels that rely on wind to move forward. They’re “stuck in the doldrums” – hopelessly adrift until the breeze kicks up again.
That describes a lot of marriages. They’re adrift. Without purpose. Nothing fills their sails and gets the relationship moving. Life looks the same today as it did yesterday … and the day before that. There’s no excitement. No meaningful connection. No relational growth.
To get the winds of romance kicking up again, let me offer a couple of ideas:
First: Be intentional. Schedule date nights. Weekly. Monthly. As often as you can manage – and as much as you can afford. Enjoy a lavish dinner somewhere or spend a cozy evening at home. Do something you both enjoy that keeps you focused on each other.
Connect in small ways every day. Take walks through the neighborhood. Cook something unusual for dinner. Kiss each other hello and goodbye every chance you can. Even small points of connection are powerful.
To help your marriage escape the doldrums, get the winds of romance stirred up again and get your relationship moving forward.
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