“I think abortion is immoral. But I’m glad it’s legal.”
Ever heard someone say that? Not only do I disagree with the sentiment, it’s inherently illogical. Most people who say it don’t realize that.
Then again, a lot of us in the pro-life camp may not realize it, either. We often don’t know how to respond to arguments that portray abortion as a practical and rational choice for society.
My answer to that kind of reasoning is to point to two fundamental questions that have driven the debate about abortion, euthanasia, and other crucial pro-life issues for decades:
1. Does truth have to correlate to what actually is, or does it boil down to personal preference, like choosing your favorite flavor of ice cream?
2. Are human beings intrinsically valuable, or does their worth depend on their ability to contribute to society?
How you answer those two fundamental questions dictates on which side of the abortion debate your worldview falls.
The pro-life view is based not on personal preference, but on objective reality and on what God has said in His Word.
That’s why saying, “I think abortion is immoral, but I’m glad it’s legal,” is self-contradictory. It’s illogical to believe that killing a baby is immoral, yet also believe the destructive practice should be embraced by a civilized society (which, by definition, is governed by morality).
Truth is the bedrock for any culture that hopes to thrive. Without it, we drift into destructive territory like a boat that’s torn loose from its mooring and headed for the rocks.
We need to know how to discern truth on the topic of abortion. On our radio program yesterday and today, we’re hearing from our guest, author Scott Klusendorf, about why pro-life supporters answer those two fundamental questions the way we do, and why we believe our viewpoint isn’t simply a matter of preference, but the correct one based on objective truth.
He’ll also explain why killing a fetus is the moral equivalent of killing a toddler or an infant. The only difference between them, he says, is size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependency.
I invite you to join us for our program called “Reaching Hearts on Abortion” and learn how to reach out to a culture with reasonable, scientific, and compelling arguments that demonstrate the truthfulness of the pro-life position.
Listen on your local radio station, check it out online, or download our free phone app.
After you’ve listened, take a moment and comment below with your perspective. I’d be interested to hear what you think.
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