Anyone who looked at Michael Kent a few years ago would have been forgiven for thinking he was beyond hope.
He was in jail, and his body bore various tattoos that gave witness to his Neo-Nazi beliefs, including a large swastika on his chest. He was also part of a violent skinhead group.
There’s no way that guy’s ever going to change, right?
Well, not so fast.
Turns out the Michael Kent of today is very different – and it’s all thanks to his friendship with an African-American woman, Tiffany Whittier.
Whittier was Kent’s parole officer. And instead of automatically dismissing Kent, she tried to be that “positive person” in his life.
And now, Kent considers her family. His views on race are radically different than they were, because his heart has changed. And that changed heart has opened his life up to new friendships with people of other races and ethnicities.
It’s a heartwarming story and a good reminder to us all that we shouldn’t dismiss the people we meet as being beyond hope – because you never know what God might do through us if we share His love and kindness with others.
I hope you enjoy the video:
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