According to CBS News, the country of Iceland is eradicating Down syndrome – through abortion.
Of course, Iceland isn’t eradicating the condition at all but, instead eliminating babies with the condition.
For years now, we’ve known about the growing genocide of these children both here in the United States as well as all across the globe. In the U.S., it’s estimated that nearly 70 percent of children who receive a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome are aborted.
According to yesterday’s report, there were just two children born in Iceland last year with the condition (from a little over 4,000 births). Similarly high rates of Down syndrome-related abortion are common all throughout Scandinavian countries.
Do you ever wonder how someone can support such a thing?
The closing paragraph in the chilling CBS story attempted to rationalize this irrational evil.
“We don’t look at abortion as a murder,” said Helga Sol Olafsdotter, a Landspitali University Hospital counselor. “We look at it as a thing that we ended. We ended a possible life that may have had a huge complication … preventing suffering for the child and for the family. And I think that is more right than seeing it as a murder — that’s so black and white. Life isn’t black and white. Life is grey.”
History is full of people who attempt to use soft words to describe dark deeds. From dictators to authoritarians of all stripes, sin is often spun (i.e. eugenics) to try and sound merciful.
But the Scriptures are clear that sin kills, most especially in this case, where sin has robbed us of countless precious and beautiful lives.
Abortion advocates have long trumpeted the trope that terminating a pregnancy will prevent future calamity, be it poverty, physical discomfit or even the loss of one’s personal hopes and dreams.
But the last time I checked, nobody ever thought to ask the child whose fate was at stake.
In fact, it was Ronald Reagan who once observed that “Everybody who is for abortion has already been born.”
When a country and press begin celebrating the elimination of a medical condition that’s been eradicated by eliminating the people who possess it, you know a dangerous line has – yet again – been crossed.
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