If you toss a pebble into the still, glass-like water of a pond, what do you get? Ripples scurrying across the surface of the water constantly moving in an outward, circular fashion from the point of impact. These gentle ridges of water form an ever expanding ring of motion as each wavelet multiplies the reach of the initial splash.
Since we’re in the middle of the Sanctity of Human Life week, let me apply that pebble-in-the-pond phenomenon to our pro-life work here at Focus on the Family. When you make a donation to our work, those funds act as the pebble. The ripples from that “pebble” include the production of pro-life radio broadcasts, articles, advertisements, and programs such as Option Ultrasound™.
That said, if you’ve ever stood on the bank of a pond and tossed in your pebble, you know there’s a point where the ripples are so far reaching it can be difficult to follow, see, and appreciate the extent of your pebble’s influence. The same dynamic might be true regarding your financial support of Focus on the Family—which is why I thought you might appreciate reading a few letters from the thousands of women whose lives have been forever changed because they were impacted by the ripple effect of your generous contributions over the years.
The first letter is from a single parent who experienced a “double blessing” after tuning in to the broadcast. She writes:
“Several years ago, as a non-Christian, I was listening to a Focus on the Family broadcast in which the guest shared how she had survived her mother’s attempt to have an abortion. At the time, I was a single mom of two kids with another one on the way. I assumed an abortion would be a ‘quick fix’ until I heard this particular program, at which point I began second-guessing myself.
“I bought the book that was offered and read it cover to cover within several hours after it arrived. This resulted in a complete change of heart, and I didn’t go through with the abortion. Not only did the Lord bless me with a child, but He also gave me a brand new life—a few months after my son was born, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior! My son is now a teenager, and I’m convinced he’s alive today largely because of that program many years ago. I thank my Heavenly Father every day that I ‘just so happened’ to be listening to the radio at that specific moment. God bless you all as you continue to do His work!”
Isn’t that great? Not only did she decide to give birth, she was born again. Then there’s this note from a Christian couple facing a crossroad:
“I just wanted your ministry to know how your radio broadcast made a huge impact on my family. The other day you featured a guest who spoke very directly about the process of abortion. Although I tune in often to your show, I have never heard such a detailed breakdown of what is actually involved. I know that God wanted me to hear that very message that day.
“My husband and I have two small children and recently found out that we’re expecting our third. We have been extremely troubled and have contemplated terminating this unplanned pregnancy, even though we are Christians. Not any more! After hearing that description, there’s no way I could follow through with an abortion . . . Thank you so much for this ministry. You need to know that lives are changed every day through your words of wisdom and encouragement.”
Permit me one more example in which a pro-life magazine ad altered the course of history for this family in crisis:
“A promotional piece in a past issue of Focus on the Family magazine made a huge impact in our family. My 22-year-old daughter was planning on having an abortion, but while perusing the magazine she saw the ad for Option Ultrasound™ that said: ‘My mother sees a problem—please help her see me.’ She broke into tears and after a few moments told us that she had changed her mind and would keep her baby. She also asked us if she could come to church with us on Sunday. Praise God for your ministry!”
I don’t think it’s an overstatement to say there are immeasurable pro-life implications—yes, ripples of life—that occur when you stand with us in our efforts to preserve the sanctity of human life. I can’t say this enough: your gifts and prayers are directly responsible for the life-change we’re seeing every day around the world.
Thank you for sharing the vision!
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