Have you ever noticed how often Jesus’ ministry was centered around meals?
Among others, there was the wedding at Cana, a dinner with the reviled Zaccheus, and the beautiful symbolism of the Last Supper. Jesus was even criticized for eating with “tax collectors and sinners” (Matt. 9:11).
As one scholar put it: “Jesus ate his way through the Gospels.”
For author Bri McKoy, Jesus’ ministry through meals became a model for creating community and sharing God’s love with people He brought into her life.
She’s written about her experiences in a book titled Come and Eat: A Celebration of Love and Grace Around the Everyday Table. In it, she describes turning her dining room table into a mission field and shares how her readers can do the same.
I’m talking with Bri about her book on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Sharing the Heart of the Gospel at Your Table.” She’s a visionary and leader for Compassion International’s blogger program.
Whether you bring one person to your table or ten, you can honor the gifts God has given you and love people the way Jesus loves them. Some meals may be fancy and home cooked, others may be take-out. Some evenings may be filled with laughter and connection, while others involve listening and quiet conversation.
Either way, Bri will help you reach out without feeling like you have to be “Pinterest perfect.” It’s not about the sophistication of the experience, but about being available to God and allowing Him to do what He wants through your evening together.
Listen to the program on your local radio station, online, on Apple Podcasts, via Google Podcasts, or on our free phone app.
Bri McKoy’s book – full of stories, recipes, and encouragement – is available for a gift of any amount. Check our website for details or call 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459).
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