Unanswered – or poorly answered questions, never go away.
Nevertheless, it’s very good news that the United States Supreme Court announced earlier today that they’ve agreed to review Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.
At issue is a Mississippi law that bans abortion after 15 weeks.
The nine justices should use this case to re-evaluate Roe and Casey and best case, overturn them both. At the very least, the court should allow the states more leeway in prohibiting abortion pre-viability, including for things like gender, race or disability.
History tells us not to pin our hopes on the court in cases like this. Yet, it’s reasonable to expect the high court to roll back the viability standard to some earlier time, or allowing states the leeway to regulate abortion pre-viability.
Justice Thomas is the only current justice on record as saying that Roe was wrongly decided, because there is no constitutional support for abortion. We’d like to see four more (at least) say that same thing in this case.
We applaud Mississippi’s (and other states’) attempt to save lives with pro-life legislation such as this. Whether prohibiting abortion at 15 weeks, as Mississippi does, or at 6 to 8 weeks as “heartbeat bills” around the country prohibit, there is an encouraging effort at the state level to save precious lives.
The Supreme Court mistakenly thought they could settle the abortion debate in Roe. That we are still fighting for preborn lives 40 years later proves the courts should get out of the abortion issue altogether.
Let the states decide the issue, after the Supreme Court overturns Roe. Pro-lifers will continue to work to convince hearts and minds that abortion should be unthinkable.
As a pro-life advocate, I will continue to advocate for laws that save preborn lives. Our public policy should promote life, not death.
Cheryl Gogo says
-As a woman who had an abortion. I find it interesting that if this is really what women want; why do we keep it secret and we have shame in our hearts and minds regarding our past. It took me twenty years to come to terms with this. For 20 years I was fine with my decision. But eventually we realize the forever decision this is. We have killed our future family. Not only our child but our grandchildren. My heart cries. God still loves me but we can’t take away our mistakes or the consequences of them. God bless you