The battle over who gets to compete for the coveted Super Bowl XLII ring comes down to how the Patriots, the Packers, the Chargers, and the Giants perform in the final playoff round. Personally, I had been pulling for the Colts to do a repeat performance of last season. After all, head coach Tony Dungy is such a class act, both on and off the field. He’s one of the best role models to come along in a long time. And, he’s a man who is unashamed of his faith. For instance, just the other day we received a comment from a woman I’ll call Mara. This listener especially enjoyed the three-day conversation between Dr. Dobson and Tony Dungy which aired last month. Mara was impressed by the fact that Tony got the top NFL honors without compromising his faith or family life.
Evidently, Mara was an immigrant to the United States from a country where Christianity was a relatively unknown faith. As she listened, Tony explained that the driving force in life wasn’t football. Rather, it’s his relationship with Jesus. Mara, in turn, felt stirred in her spirit to call us and learn more about this Jesus of whom Tony was describing in such a positive way.
As she spoke with our correspondence representative, Mara felt compelled to pray and invite Jesus into her heart as her savior – right there on the phone. When Coach Dungy and Dr. Dobson recorded their conversation about faith and football, I’m sure they had no idea that a woman somewhere across the country would give her heart to the King of Kings as a result.
The press made a big deal out of the fact that Tony was the first African American coach to win the Super Bowl. No question, that’s a real honor. At the same time, I’m pretty sure Tony would agree there’s more joy in heaven over one lost soul – like Mara – who repents upon hearing the Good News than there is over any Super Bowl winner. I know Mara will be eternally grateful that Tony wasn’t ashamed to publicly share his devotion to the Lord.
If you’d like to learn more about Tony’s journey of faith, consider picking up a copy of “A Man of Quiet Strength” as you stock up munchies for this year’s contest.
And, by the way, go AFC!
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