With over 600 facilities located around the country, Planned Parenthood remains the outwardly visible symbol of abortion in America.
Over the years, they’ve tried desperately to soften their image, playing up other supposed services they provide and downplaying the killing of children, which has always accounted for the lion’s share of their activities and revenue. Their buildings are often nondescript, belying the evil they perpetuate inside of them.
Here in Colorado Springs, there’s one clinic in a grocery store development. Just to its north sits a popular rehabilitation facility. There is thick irony that the rehab group pours all its heart and soul into helping people heal and restore their health in the shadow of a group committed to taking it from the most innocent.
The site of Planned Parenthood might make us wince, but what about popular drug store chains like Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid? Those three companies have over 20,000 locations combined throughout the United States – and they all sell abortion pills in states where abortion is legal.
Big Pharma has emerged as the leading promoter and source of abortion. That’s because due to their easy accessibility, abortion pills are rising rapidly in popularity. Now available by mail, they’re also providing women with a nearly anonymous and stigma-free method to do what previously was only available with a trip to Planned Parenthood or another local abortion clinic.
Numerous websites have been popping up, promoting access and providing information on “medication abortions,” touting them as “safe” and “easy.” They brag that while some places require a prescription, others do not.
Mail order abortifacients go by the term “Plan C” and are either a combination of the drugs Mifepristone and Misoprostol or just Misoprostol taken alone. It’s called “self-managed abortion” – a term that tragically belies the reality that abortion always involves more than one person.
It would seem this ongoing effort normalize the death of pre-born children is very clearly the next major hurdle in our quest to protect and save life.
In fact, one website even popped up called “The Pill Club,” a company that proclaims:
We are on a mission to make healthcare more accessible by building digital primary care that closes gender, socioeconomic, and racial gaps in our current health system. We are the easiest way for women to address their sexual health and overall wellness, regardless of where they live or if they’re covered by health insurance – making us an affordable, accessible telehealth provider.
Abortion is not healthcare – it’s the taking of innocent life. It’s not “safe.” Studies have shown that “chemical abortions” are four times riskier for a woman than surgical ones, often causing severe side effects. If these individuals were truly committed to assisting a woman’s “overall wellness,” they would be earnest in finding ways to support them in carrying their babies to term and either help them parent or make an adoption plan.
Advocates for abortion have long warned that banning it will lead to “coat-hanger” deaths – but the abortion pill is that very equivalent, as unsuspecting women take these drugs and run the risk of suffering from their deadly side effects.
Children are not a burden, nor a disease to eradicate with the taking of toxic medicine.
Fortunately, unlike women who undergo surgical abortions, it can be possible to reverse a chemical abortion. The My Choice Network and the Abortion Pill Reversal website are excellent resources we would strongly recommend.
Please join me in praying for women who find themselves in vulnerable positions. Regardless how difficult or challenging their circumstances may appear to be, life is always the best choice.
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