Did you read the story the other day about the smallest baby in the world?
He was just 9.45 ounces (.59 pounds) when he was born at 24 weeks gestation. Doctors didn’t expect him to survive. After nearly 6 months in the hospital, he went home last week weighing 7.2 pounds.
The little boy’s physician, Dr. Takeshi Arimitus, told reporters, “I want people to know that babies can return home vigorous even if they are born small.”
Or are you up to speed on the latest from out here in Colorado, where the state has finally dropped its second case of alleged discrimination against Christian baker Jack Phillips? The state had renewed its harassment of him after he declined to make a “gender transition” cake for a prospective client. It was nothing short of bullying.
Or did you hear about Cynthia Newman, the dean of the College of Business at Rider University in New Jersey, who resigned after the school banned Chick-fil-A from her campus? The school claimed the Christian-owned company operated in a manner offensive to homosexuals. Of course, they’re flat out incorrect. Ms. Newman said the university handled the whole thing improperly and denigrated her Christian faith and values in the process and that she couldn’t in good conscience work for them anymore.
What do all three of these stories have in common?
Our team at The Daily Citizen reported on all of them in recent days. Each and every day they’re devoted to giving you timely and relevant analysis of current events and cultural trends – all from a Biblical worldview – so that you can be inspired and assured that the information you share with others comes from a reliable source.
Every day you turn on the television or hop online, you are bombarded by a constant stream of discouraging news stories, confusing legislative rulings, political drama, and hundreds of different opinions regarding it all.
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We understand keeping up with our nation and the world can be overwhelming, and you may feel inadequate to address hot-button topics with your friends, your family, and your co-workers. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
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As you may have heard, the decision was recently made to expand and transform our original Citizen Magazine from its exclusive print format to a multi-media outlet capable of responding to breaking news.
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