Every father I meet has the same goal: to be a good dad. But how do you know when you’ve been one? Parenting can be tough, and it’s easy for men to question how good of a job they’re doing. In times like those, men need a moment to hold onto.
Some time back, my son Trent and I were on a father/son retreat. One night, we all sat around the campfire, and the kids were given the chance to honor their fathers. Trent talked about how much he loved me and how much he knew I loved and cared for him. Then, as he wrapped up, he said this: “My life would have no meaning without you as my father.”
Boom! That was a moment.
That would have been enough, but as we walked back to our sleeping bags, Trent said, “Dad, I said all of that off the cuff! Some of the other boys took time to prepare a speech. I thought I’d just tell you what I was thinking.”
What a blessing! That was a moment I’ll hold onto forever. And what made my son’s comments extra special is that they were the result of the relational investment I started making in him the day he was born.
Just like you, I’m not always confident in how well I do as a dad. But if you and I keep moving forward, along the way we’ll encounter moments that prove every moment of parenting is worthwhile.
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