Are you a big tipper? Do you ever quibble with your spouse over the amount to give – or whether to give a tip at all?
Over the course of the next few days many families will begin to map out their Christmas giving. From the mail carrier to the milkman, there is a long tradition of blessing people who help make our lives easier and more pleasant on a daily basis.
Do you tape an envelope and Christmas card to the garbage can or leave one in your mail box? Even though the “paper boy” is now often a man or woman who drives a car and delivers in the predawn dark, do you still tip them? Should you?
Having worked many jobs that relied on tipping, I’m sensitive to those whose compensation is heavily dependent on consumer generosity. I don’t pretend to know what is considered standard in every area these days – but Emily Post and Consumer Reports recently compiled some recommendations which I’ll share below.
But I’m curious what you think – and how you handle tipping as a family.
More importantly, as representatives of Christ, should we be treating this matter any differently than those who don’t claim Christ as King?
Who to Tip and How Much
Emily Post recommends: A small gift (not cash) or note from you, as well as a small gift from your child.
CR Survey finds: 60% do tip them; total median value of $20
Emily Post recommends: For beauty salon staff, the cost of one salon visit divided for each staff member who works with you. Give individual gift cards or a small gift each for those who work on you.
CR Survey finds: 48% do tip them; total median value of $20
Emily Post recommends: $10-$30 or a small gift
CR Survey finds: 39% do tip them; total median value of $15
Emily Post recommends: For beauty salon staff, the cost of one salon visit divided for each staff member who works with you. Give individual gift cards or a small gift each for those who work on you.
CR Survey finds: 38% do tip them; total median value of $15
Emily Post recommends: Cost of one haircut or a gift.
CR Survey finds: 34% do tip them; total median value of $10
Emily Post recommends: For a groomer, up to the cost of one session or a gift. For a dog walker, up to one week’s pay or a gift.
CR Survey finds: 27% do tip them; total median value of $20
Emily Post recommends: Small gifts up to $20 in value.
CR Survey finds: 21% do tip them; total median value of $20
Emily Post recommends: $10-$30 or a small gift
CR Survey finds: 11% do tip them; total median value of $20
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