The Disney Channel recently introduced a subplot involving a lesbian couple to its popular children’s show, “Good Luck Charlie.” The storyline involved Charlie’s parents trying to remember the name of their daughter’s friend’s mom. The father remembered the mom’s name as Cheryl, and the mother remembered the name as Susan.
Turns out they were both right, because the little girl coming over to play had twomommies. (You can watch the minute-long scene online.)
The Disney Channel is immensely popular with its target demographic, children. According to the network, it has a viewership of 1.02 million children between the ages of 2 and 11. That’s a tremendous amount of influence Disney has over our kids, and they openly admit they are intentionally using it to “reflect themes of diversity and inclusiveness.”
Yet their efforts contradict God’s design for families, and ignore the many of us who believe God’s plan of a married mom and dad bringing children into the world and raising them together is best, not only for the children themselves but the culture at-large.
It’s frustrating for us to see how, all too often, the culture is giving our children a message that counters God’s plan.
Sure, we can turn off the TV and screen movies before we allow our kids to watch them. Some of us even have the option to send our kids to Christian schools or to homeschool them in order to make sure God’s point of view is the foundation of their educational curriculum.
However, despite our best efforts, in the end we know this much is true: The day will soon arrive for every family when we’ll have to address sensitive issues.
What’s the best way a parent can respond?
Well, you can wait until your son or daughter asks you why their friend has two mommies to address the subject … but I think it’s best to intentionally “train up your child” in God’s truth from day one.
The team here at Focus has developed a new series of parenting kits to help you do just that. These “Thriving Values” resources are designed to help moms and dads talk with and teach their children about the important topics that often come up in today’s culture.
“Talking to Children about Marriage” is the first free, downloadable kit we’re rolling out. Part One of the kit presents a biblical worldview for marriage. It shows why marriage is important to culture and gives parents ideas so they can demonstrate the significance of marriage to their kids through their own relationship.
Part Two is a very practical “ages and stages” resource for educating about marriage in age-appropriate ways. As you’ll see in this resource, you can teach even toddlers to understand some of the essential truths of God’s design for marriage.
By taking an intentional approach to educating your sons and daughters about marriage, sexuality and other important topics, you’re helping to prepare them to deal with the counter-biblical messages they’ll receive via entertainment, school and even their friends.
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