What kind of legacy do you want to pass on to your children?
Your answer to that question is important. When parents don’t pass down a good legacy, future generations suffer the consequences.
People often say that today’s kids are a lost generation. Dr. Tony Evans says that they’re actually the product of a lost generation. The problems our children are facing in the world are far greater than the problems we experienced.
The number of children being raised in single-parent families has increased, so has teen suicide, juvenile delinquency, and sexual promiscuityamong young people. And each of those problems will continue to grow worse if this generation leaves a poor legacy for its children.
Dr. Evans says that far too many parents are more interested in their kids making the team than making the Kingdom. They’ll help their child make every practice and every game, but they don’t prioritize the skills of living, choosing wisely, spiritual growth, responsibility, and dedication.
He encourages parents to raise “Kingdom kids.” Kingdom kids are those who have been raised in the faith in such a way that they consistently bring every area of their lives under the rule of God. A parent’s job is to equip their children through teaching and modeling how to put every part of their lives under divine authority and to make all of their decisions in light of that.
We won’t solve the breakdown in our families, communities, and country anytime soon, but parents should make certain that their time and energy are being devoted to that goal. We can set our families on the path set forth in Joshua 24:15: “Choose this day whom you will serve …. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
I’ll leave you with these thoughts from Dr. Evans that I think capture the high calling God places on every parent:
“When construction crews build a skyscraper, you can always tell how high they plan to go up by how far they drill down. The higher they plan to go, the deeper they drill because you need a foundation worthy of what you’re trying to build. Every parent wants their children to have skyscraper lives. Well, then, you had better dig deep foundations that will not crumble when the culture comes after them.”
Hear more wisdom from Dr. Tony Evans on our broadcast “Raising Kids with a Kingdom Perspective” on your local radio station, online, on iTunes, via Podcast, or on our free app for your smartphone. We’re talking with him about his book, Raising Kingdom Kids: Giving Your Child a Living Faith. Today, with your donation of any amount, we’ll send you a copy. (Check our website for details.)
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