As we eagerly await the Supreme Court’s decision in the Mississippi 15-week heartbeat case, activists around the country have been working feverishly with liberal state legislatures to enshrine unfettered access to abortion rights in their states.
I believe it’s a harbinger of the fight to come – and compared to what we’ve seen the last half-century, it’ll be a battle unlike any in the last fifty years.
Activists in my own state of Colorado have just pulled off a devastating legislative victory by passing the most radical abortion bill in the country. The new law allows for abortion at any point of a pregnancy – right up to delivery. No questions asked. The draconian legislation even went so far as to strip pre-born babies of any and all human rights. Colorado’s legislation puts our state’s disregard for preborn life on par with North Korea and China.
It’s wicked. It’s evil. And it’s now law in the Rocky Mountain state.
Focus on the Family joined other pro-life groups in lobbying vociferously against the legislation. The liberal state legislature forced us to wait until the wee hours of the morning to testify. Abortion-friendly lawmakers sat stone-cold silent as we warned about the bill’s dangers and its inherent inhumanity.
C.S. Lewis said good and evil both increase at compound interest. Indeed, this wickedness has come slowly and over time – but now it’s also coming all at once. You cannot discount life without reaping horrific consequences.
Lewis also presciently observed back in the early part of the twentieth century that “The greatest evils in the world will not be carried out by men with guns, but by men in suits sitting behind desks.”
That’s precisely what happened up in Denver, and is happening anywhere state legislatures, fearing the coming Dobbs’ ruling, are doing.
No matter how the Court rules in the coming weeks or months, convictional Christians must be ready to respond because the outcome of the decision will stoke deep emotions. Our neighbors, friends, and even family members may be angry, confused, and worried, especially if Dobbs is upheld and Roe is overturned. In contrast, we need to be calm, courageous, and equipped.
This is a kairos moment for Christian families (along with their pastors and churches) to step up efforts in showing compassionate pro-life care for women facing unexpected pregnancies and advocating for the protection of preborn babies. It is not enough to vote for pro-life candidates or hold personal pro-life values. The Body of Christ must take action, come alongside women in unplanned pregnancies and support pregnancy resource centers as a better alternative to abortion providers.
As a ministry, Focus on the Family is leading the way in speaking out in favor of life and in opposition to pro-abortion legislation. Through our work with pregnancy resource centers, we’re showing how compassionate pro-life care spares women from the pain and regret of abortion and saves the lives of innocent preborn babies. It also presents us with the opportunity to educate the public that pro-life care extends to helping children in the foster care and adoption system.
Our ultimate goal is to make abortion unthinkable and life so attractive that women will make the right choice and affirm and embrace God’s beautiful gift of life.
Audrey Puscas says
-Let us value lives of all God’s creation. No where in Scripture does it say we should should only protect the lives of the unborn and allow our children to be slaughtered by guns that are easier to gain access to than baby formula. The love affair of guns needs to be re-thought, and ALL human life valued, not picking and choosing who to value
Sandy says
-That is so horrible to kill an innocent baby right up to delivery! How can people be so cruel? They hold more value in animals lives than humans.
Charmane says
-Thank you for being a leader in standing for life all these years. I pray the Supreme Court will uphold Dobbs, and that we, as a nation, will value and respect each and every life.