How do you define success?
Everybody probably has a slightly different answer. The late Zig Ziglar once said that whatever else success may be, you can’t truly be successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles.
Mark 8:36 says, “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?”
We’re all pulled in different directions, and we can easily lose sight of what’s most important in life. To get our vision back, we have to do a little soul-searching. What are our motives? What are our values? Are we spending enough time with our families?
I struggle with balance as much as any parent. I’m recording broadcasts. I’m traveling, speaking, and leading an organization that’s striving to reach into the heart of the culture with the truth of God.
But leadership is all about keeping the main thing the main thing. And the main thing for all of us is our marriages and our children.
There’s no better model for leadership than Jesus. One of our guests on today’s program told me that everything he’s ever taught or written about leadership, Jesus did with 12 inexperienced followers 2,000 years ago.
Parents don’t typically see themselves as leaders. But the definition of a leader is choosing to influence the thinking, behavior, and development of someone. Parenting certainly qualifies.
Joining me on our broadcast today and tomorrow are Ken Blanchard, Phil Hodges, and Tricia Goyer. Many of you will recognize Ken as the author of the bestseller “The One-Minute Manager.” He and his long-time friend, Phil Hodges, run their ministry Lead Like Jesus. Tricia Goyer has been a guest on our broadcast before and is an author, a speaker, and a wife and mom.
Together, they are the authors of “Lead Your Family Like Jesus: Powerful Parenting Principles by the Creator of Families.”
They’ll talk to us about how to bring your career, your values, and time with your family into sync with each other.
You can hear “Godly Wisdom for Leading Your Family” on your local radio station, online, or on our free phone app.
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