I’ve read that disagreements over money–how it’s earned, spent, saved, and invested–is the top cause of stress in marriage. Whether or not financial issues are at the top of your list, these tough economic times are enough to make anyone’s head spin. Between trying to invest wisely with the volatility of the stock market, the fear of a pay cut or job loss, and questions over how to reduce debt, it’s no wonder we’re receiving so many calls from families seeking wise counsel.
Here’s some good news
This week we’ve lined up Ron Blue and Jeremy White, two leading financial experts, to answer your questions during a live video webcast on Thursday, January 29, 3:30-5:30pm (EST). Ron Blue has authored more than a dozen books including The Complete Guide to Faith-Based Family Finances and Splitting Heirs. Jeremy White, who co-authored those titles with Ron, has also penned The New Master Your Money. Between them, these men have decades of experience that is sure to help your marriage thrive
Dr. Juli Slattery and Dr. Bill Maier will host this special event. You’re invited to call 1-888-465-6595 to have Ron and Jeremy tackle your toughest money-oriented issues. You can also post a question for our guests online during the Focus on the Family Marriage Forum.
Best of all, it’s free!
I know these men and appreciate their godly, practical insight into family finances. I hope you can join the conversation. And, if you think of it, pray for my business trip to Australia as I’ll be airborne as the webcast gets underway.
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