I mentioned last Friday how Kirsten Powers (pictured left), a regular contributor to FOX News and a highly respected journalist, had the nerve to write a column in USA Today detailing the horrific case of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell.His trial, which is now in its fifth week, had, up until that point, earned surprisingly little attention from the mainstream news media, despite the fact that the details of the case are so shocking and so horrifying that they deserve to be a major national news story.
Make no mistake. This is not just about the political football of abortion. The case involves breathtaking accusations of racism, medical malpractice, the abuse of women, and the systematic murder of born-alive babies.
Why has this terrible tragedy not garnered more attention from the press?
That’s the question we’ll be addressing on today’s Focus on the Family broadcast. Our guest is the aforementioned journalist Kirsten Powers, who contributes to a number of publications, web sites, and TV programs including The Daily Beast, USA Today, and The O’Reilly Factor. Although there are a number of issues on which we would likely disagree, Kirsten has done an amazing job of documenting the mainstream media’s astonishing bias in its failure to give this story the attention it deserves. You’ll likely find the program both frustrating and disturbing, but you owe it to yourself to hear Kirsten’s exposé.
Despite the media’s best efforts, the truth about abortion—and the damage it does to the value of human life—cannot be suppressed.
I am grateful to Kirsten Powers for bringing this story, terrible and tragic as it is, into the light.
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