In the year since assuming my role as host of our radio program, I’ve always looked forward to my time in the studio with my colleagues, Juli and John.
That is until today.
Today’s program, “The Value of Standing for Life,” is probably the most difficult and least enjoyable one I’ve ever recorded. But, candidly, it may be the most important one, too.
Our broadcast today is about life and death. It’s about, among other things, the abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell. He is being charged with gruesome, cold-blooded murder of little babies. But today’s discussion is also about hope. We don’t just talk about evil – we look at how the Lord might use us to help stop it. The answer to that question is cause for encouragement and inspiration.
I hope you’ll listen (click here), but since this is so important and your time is limited, I’ll hit a few highlights.
I’ve told you what this program is about. Let me tell you what it isn’t:
This isn’t about politics or political correctness. This is about human beings and the death of human beings. It is high time this entire nation should come together and say, “Wait a minute. We’re better than this.”
Focus on the Family remains committed to seeing Roe v. Wade overturned. But in the meantime, I want to pose a challenge to Planned Parenthood and abortion activists. They continue to talk about abortion being “safe, legal and rare.”
Let’s consider:
Abortion by its nature is not safe. It’s certainly not safe for the child and in some cases, like we’ve seen with Dr. Gosnell, it’s not even physically safe for the mother. That’s not to mention the long-term emotional devastation that often accompanies this tragic choice.
As I ponder the heaviness of the moment, here is where I think the Lord is leading us:
We will continue to march toward that day when every life is seen as sacred. That is our ultimate aim. In the meantime, I continue to think about the babies that we’re losing right now. It’s time that we sit down with abortion advocates and lay down a challenge. In essence, say to them: “You want to make it rare? Tell us how.”
We won’t ever agree that it’s safe or that it should be legal. We’ll continue to fight for the day that we can overturn Roe v. Wade, because every life is sacred. But I see this as a positive step forward in that fight.
I take my hat off to all those who have labored with such dedication and sacrifice to advance the pro-life cause over these last few decades. Over the years, you, and we, have done great things to incrementally improve a very evil reality. Babies have been saved. Hearts have been changed. But it doesn’t appear we’re going to reach our ultimate goal of eliminating abortion any time soon. So what do we do right now to save more babies this year that will be lost if we don’t sit down and see how we can make it more rare?
Again, this doesn’t mean we agree. We will not compromise our convictions. But how do we save more children who would otherwise be aborted?
The Lord is on our side. The majority of Americans are on our side. Technology is on our side. And now I think we can seize the opportunity to begin to prove that life is the better choice and, at some point, the only choice.
I want to hear from you. What do you think? Post your comments – I want to read them. I want to know what you think about what we’re talking about. What is the Lord putting on your heart?
In addition to prayer and your witness in your sphere of influence, there are other practical things you can do to help in this ongoing defense of life. I encourage you to visit our CitizenLink website to learn more.
I was reminded the other day about the motto of the Army Corps of Engineers. I think it sums up the spirit of our challenge today as pro-life advocates:
The difficult we do immediately. The impossible takes a little longer.
Let’s work toward saving more babies starting today, and let’s continue to work and pray and sacrifice for that day when all babies will be welcomed into life.
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