There is a ten-year-old boy living in upstate New York who desperately needs our prayers.
Around 8:00 p.m. EDT last night this youngster was riding with his three siblings in his family’s van. His mother was behind the wheel. In the back of the vehicle sat this boy, his two brothers (2 and 5 years old) and an 11-month old sister.
His mother than did the unthinkable and unimaginable. She deliberately drove off a boat ramp and into the Hudson River. The ten-year-old managed to escape through a window. The rest of the family died. Right in front of this ten-year-old boy.
Reports indicate that ten minutes earlier police had been called to the family’s home for a domestic dispute. But by the time an officer arrived, everyone was gone from the house.
We shouldn’t need a story like this to remind us, but there is pain on every street in America today. Could this happen in your town? Of course it could. Do you know of all the tears and fears that exist on even your own block? There are many. Too many.
Focus on the Family was founded to help serve all families, but especially those in crisis. If you know someone who is struggling, or find yourself overwhelmed by the realities of living, please call us. We want to help. We have trained counselors prepared to help you through your dark night. Our number is 1-800-232-6459.
In the meantime, please join us in praying for this traumatized young boy. What will come of him? And how will the Lord redeem even this?
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