There is something special and nostalgic about Christmas. You may find yourself back in the church of your childhood, lifting a lighted candle and singing the familiar carols of the season, your own kids by your side. Perhaps your children are now grown, and far from home this year. It might be quieter than you want it to be. Or maybe you’re far from home yourself this year, forging new traditions and experiences. Whatever your circumstance, Christmas is coming and the world’s largest birthday celebration is almost here.
Jean and I, along with our boys, are looking forward to gathering with extended family to thank God for the past year, including the good and the tough times. Because He rules over all time and space, we might not always understand what the Lord is doing – but we trust that He knows, and that He’s in full and complete control of our lives.
Before stepping away for a little break, though, I wanted to share a beautiful video with you. I know you’re busy. But it’s short and I think it will evoke some great memories. It’s my hope that our hearts and homes are prepared for Christmas. It’s time now to meditate on the miracle of Christmas and remember that the day is coming when “The kingdom of this world” will soon become “the kingdom of our Lord” and that “He shall reign forever and ever” (Revelation 11:15).
Although imperfect, family is a wonderful gift from God. This season, I pray you will have a meaningful celebration with your family. And so from our house to yours, Merry Christmas!
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