If you are a parent, do yourself a favor. Spend a few minutes reading the advice offered to teens at TeenWire.com. That’s the website created by Planned Parenthood whose information on sexuality is both irresponsible and dangerous. My guess is that it won’t take but a few minutes before you’ll see that Planned Parenthood’s advice on sex and abortion is contrary to the view of morality you’ve worked to instill in your young person.
Among the things you’ll discover, teens are told that Abstinence-Only Sex Education Programs don’t work. Planned Parenthood wants your teen to believe that such programs “aren’t effective at preventing unwanted pregnancies or reducing teens’ risk for sexually transmitted infections.” Pardon me for stating the obvious, but if a teen saves sex for marriage they have a ZERO percent chance of contracting a STD, including AIDS, or becoming pregnant.
Because Planned Parenthood is so hostile toward abstinence-based curriculum, they state that such programs “open the door to harassment, especially of LGBTQ students” (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, questioning) and “promote discrimination by adults, too.” But according to the stories I hear from those courageous teens who abstain from sex, they are the ones who are vilified on high school campuses for refusing to go along with the permissive sexual-experimentation crowd.
As you noodle around their teen website, you’ll notice the prevailing view of Planned Parenthood is that your teenager is likely to engage in sex, has a right to engage in sex, and shouldn’t view it as a sacred gift reserved for those who are married. Which is why when teens travel abroad, Planned Parenthood reminds them to carry “condoms, dental dams, and lube” in a “sturdy, waterproof sexual health kit.”
What our teens are not told is that there is no condom that can protect their mind from unwanted memories or from the heartache that comes when they engage in random acts of sex, whether on the road or closer to home.
When it comes to the wonderful job that Crisis Pregnancy Centers offer teens, Planned Parenthood claims CPC “staff members usually have no professional training and the environment is filled with inaccurate, anti-choice information” which “mislead women to think they are clinics that provide a full range of services.” Furthermore, they claim “CPCs use misleading films, ultrasound pictures, and written materials to scare and emotionally manipulate women into continuing their pregnancies.”
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Their bias is unfounded, their hostility is telling. Think about it. Whenever a teenager chooses to keep their baby, that’s one less customer from which Planned Parenthood can profit. Make no mistake, abortion is big business for them. Planned Parenthood affiliated health centers aborted 289,750 babies in 2006. At several hundred dollars per abortion, that’s a serious revenue stream that Planned Parenthood wants to protect.
Regarding the issue of homosexuality, Planned Parenthood has plenty of advice. A 14-year-old girl asked, “How do I know if I’m gay?” The Planned Parenthood editors say, “Sexual orientation–being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or straight–is all about sexual attraction. All these sexual orientations are perfectly normal.”
Elsewhere they tell teens, “Sexual orientation is not a matter of choice . . . it cannot be ‘cured’ through therapy or medical treatment.” We have members of our staff who once embraced the homosexual lifestyle and who chose to change. That decision isn’t one you’ll hear Planned Parenthood discuss in a positive light.
Furthermore, Planned Parenthood is opposed to the parental consent laws that most states have in place which require a minor girl to secure the permission of one or both parents before getting an abortion. I’m personally offended at the overt methods they employ on this website to help your teenage daughter circumvent that law through a procedure called a “judicial bypass.”
And if the aforementioned issues weren’t disturbing enough, a third of Planned Parenthood’s budget–some $336 million dollars–is funded by YOUR tax dollars. I’m all for freedom of speech. Planned Parenthood has a right to express their position on human sexuality just as you and I have a right to disagree. But I draw the line at the notion that I should have to pay to underwrite a perspective that is at odds with my convictions.
Your teenager has a bull’s-eye painted on his or her forehead and it’s open season thanks to Planned Parenthood.
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