For those of us whose pro-life convictions stem from our Christian faith, the New Jersey Star-Ledger’s recent headline was disconcerting: “Why I perform abortions: A Christian obstetrician explains his choice.”
Willie J. Parker, who performs abortions up to the 24th week of pregnancy, explains his decision this way:
In listening to a sermon by Dr. Martin Luther King, I came to a deeper understanding of my spirituality, which places a higher value on compassion. King said what made the good Samaritan “good” is that instead of focusing on what would happen to him by stopping to help the traveler, he was more concerned about what would happen to the traveler if he didn’t stop to help.
I became more concerned about what would happen to these women if I, as an obstetrician, did not help them.
Is abortion help?
Of course I vehemently disagree with this doctor’s assessment that abortion is the “help” a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy needs.
Even setting aside the moral and spiritual objections to it, the many medical complications and dangers inherent to an abortion procedure make it obvious that abortion is far from empowering or helpful.
Dr. Parker also ignores the trauma a woman who has already gone through an abortion endures.
From regret to hope
Focus on the Family is committed to providing women facing unplanned pregnancies, or those recovering from their abortions, with real hope.
We do this by first sharing the truth with them. Through our Option Ultrasound Program, we provide grants for sonography machines and training, we help abortion-minded women see the truth of the child growing inside of her.
The pregnancy medical clinics we support also provide women with practical help and support. From medical services, to baby supplies, to parenting support and training, the women our clinics interact with know they’re not alone. They’re loved, and they’re cared for.
Finally, those women who are grappling with their abortions can access our resources and counselors. We’re here to listen to them. We share a message of God’s forgiveness and redemption with them.
Becky’s story
I want to share with you the story of one such woman. As a teenager, Becky faced an unplanned pregnancy. After her boyfriend made it clear he wasn’t going to help her with the baby, she felt isolated and alone. At her boyfriend’s prompting, Becky went in for a secret abortion – and spent the next 12 years regretting that choice.
In this video, Becky shares how God used Focus on the Family’s daily broadcast to get her attention and start the healing process in her heart. As she listened to our programs, she heard from other women who had been at that place of despair – and who God had lifted up.
To learn more about Becky’s story, visit Thriving Family magazine to read an interview with her.
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