In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, we’re introduced to Aslan, a great lion who rules Narnia.
Susan, a little girl who stumbles into the enchanted world through a magic wardrobe, asks Mr. Beaver if Aslan is safe.
“Safe?” Mr. Beaver replies. “Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King.”
God, whom Aslan symbolizes, isn’t safe, either. We never know when or how God will show up in our lives. Will He rescue us? Will He allow us to suffer?
There’s an uncertainty to God’s “wildness” that we don’t like. It unsettles us. We prefer to think of God in terms that we can more easily define, understand, or control.
How do we trust God when we never know what terrible calamity might come crashing into our world at any moment?
Kim Meeder was confronted by that question at a young age when her world did come crashing in on her. She was only a little girl when her father murdered her mother and then killed himself.
Her journey since that time has taught her that, although God may not be safe, He is good. His love, mercy, and grace can overcome every obstacle that has us crying out, “God, I can’t survive this. It’s impossible.”
Kim has not only survived, but God has used her suffering to bring redemption, hope, and peace to many others. She is sharing her story with us on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Pursuing Our Untamable God.”
Kim says that to move forward through suffering, God asks us to pray, to listen, and to follow His spirit wherever He goes.
How do you do that?
For one thing, be open to how God might use you. He once used Kim at a Goodwill even though she hadn’t planned or expected to go that day. While there, she had a divine encounter with a young lady that became a transforming moment in both of their lives.
You won’t want to miss hearing Kim tell the full story. Tune in on your local radio station, online, on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or on our free phone app.
Kim has written a book called, Encountering Our Wild God: Ways to Experience His Untamable Presence Every Day. I’d love to send a copy to you for a gift of any amount. It’s our way of saying thank you for supporting Focus on the Family.
And now, through a limited-time match, your support will go twice as far. Partner with us today, and your gift to help strengthen families will be doubled. Thank you. (For more information, visit our website.)
God uses Kim’s love for horses to bring about healing in the hearts of many broken lives. She and her husband started Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch. They rescue abused and neglected horses, nurture them back to health, and give them new life in a riding program for kids, many of whom were neglected and abused themselves.
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