The Persecuted Church has a message for us in the free world: “Don’t forget about us.” And Kirsten Powers is determined to make sure we don’t.
The influential pundit – who recently shared the testimony of her “reluctant” conversion in a widely read story in Christianity Today – has penned a piece about Christian martyr deaths.
“The New Age of Christian Martyrdom” is worth the read. The stats and stories she shares in the article are almost unbelievable for Americans to process. While I’ve previously blogged about some of the turmoil happening in the Middle East,Kirsten also shines a light on what is going on in North Korea and Africa. It is chilling.
Please pray for our brothers and sisters paying a heavy price for their faith – and for the men and women who, like Kirsten, are making sure their voices are heard.
You can also listen to the broadcast we taped with Kirsten Powers where she shared about her decision to draw attention to the mainstream media’s lack of coverage regarding the Philadelphia abortionist, Kermit Gosnell.
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