Hopefully, the silver lining for you around the coronavirus pandemic has been the opportunity to spend more time together as a couple.
Then again, maybe being around each other 24/7 has increased your disagreements and created new topics to argue about.
There’s no doubt that living in close quarters for a long time can reveal areas of your marriage that could use some work. But it also creates an opportunity to put Luke 10:27 into practice. Jesus calls us to love “your neighbor as yourself.”
When you’re heeding the call to shelter in place, your neighbor is your spouse.
So, how can you better love each other during this time?
Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley are with us on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Reconnecting as a Couple During the Coronavirus Outbreak.” You can hear it on your local radio station, online, on Apple Podcasts, via Google Podcasts, or on our free phone app.
Greg is the vice president of Marriage and Family Formation here at Focus and, together, he and Erin do a great job of leading our Marriage outreach..
They say there are four key conversations couples should have as frequently as possible:
- Small talk. “How’s the weather?” “What are you doing today?” Small talk creates mini connections without deeper emotional vulnerability.
- Work talk. Discuss each other’s schedules and map out who’s handling which household responsibilities.
- Problem talk. Deal with small conflicts before they become big ones.
- Heart talk. Get below the surface with each other in a way that connects your hearts.
It’s also important for you each to take time for yourselves. Step away from each other. Take a walk. Exercise. Have some quiet time with the Lord. You’ll manage the stress in your life better when you continually fill yourself up with good things.
There are good seasons in marriage … and not-so-good seasons. Which one the coronavirus outbreak becomes lies in large part in how you handle your relationship. The Smalleys will share how to use this time together to reclaim your marriage and reignite your romance.
For additional help, we’d like to send you a copy of Greg and Erin’s book Reconnected: Moving from Roommates to Soulmates in Your Marriage for a gift of any amount. If you can’t afford it, we’ll still make it available to you and trust that others will take care of us financially for doing so. Visit our website for more information.
And while you’re online, why not take a few moments to try our free Marriage Assessment online tool? It will help you quickly determine what’s working well in your relationship and identify areas where you may need some improvement.
These uncertain times can challenge a relationship in many ways, but we still have hope in Christ! However, if you’re feeling anxious, we want to remind you that our counselors are available. We’d love to schedule a time for you to talk to them. We’re a phone call away at 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459) and would love to address your questions.
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