If you’re already counting down the days till next year this Thanksgiving week, eager to be out with the old and in with the new, especially in this pandemic-torn year, I’d like to recommend that we still pause to count our blessings in 2020 – and even name them one by one.
Gratitude provides perspective and level sets today’s troubles, trials and tribulations.
I presume everyone could assemble their own individual list, but here are 20 things that I think many of us can be appreciative of as we approach Thursday’s celebration of Thanksgiving.
1. Doctors, nurses and medical professionals: Even at great risk to their own health, they have cared for millions of infected patients this year.
2. First responders: Because they’re willing to be available at all hours, you and I can sleep soundly each night. Especially in the heated summer of 2020, they regularly encountered the very worst of situations yet bravely and courageously waded into almost impossible circumstances.
3. Farmers, Truckers and Grocery Workers: As you gather around your table on Thursday, remember they are the folks who make America grow and go!
4. Increased Family Time: While it’s frustrating to have freedoms and choices curtailed, the pandemic has forced families to spend more time together. As a result, according to studies, teenagers are getting more sleep and suffering from less depression. Schedules aren’t as rushed or compromised, leading to special times with Family.
5. The Bible: The Old and New Testaments serve as the basis of morality and down through the ages have stood as a steady and reliable guide for billions of people. In times of trouble, it provides hope and encouragement along with a blueprint for the way forward.
6. Pastors and churches: Rarely has the nation’s spiritual health been more tested. But like a balm on a burn, our nation’s clergy has served as an antidote, calming fears and encouraging the faithful. “The church is not a showboat, it’s a battleship,” said the late pastor, Dr. Adrian Rogers.
What’s on your list?
Keeping an attitude of gratitude won’t just make you happier – it will keep you going through good times and bad.
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