Since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion in all 50 states in 1973, about 51 million babies have been lost to abortion. It’s a staggering number that also represents millions of women who chose to end their pregnancies.
We would do well to give serious consideration to those factors that contribute to a mother’s decision to choose abortion for her child.
Proponents of abortion argue the bottom line boils down to a right, a choice – what’s “best” for her and her family. When they put it that way, you can understand why many women confuse abortion with empowerment.
But a closer look at the reasons behind a woman’s decision to abort show a different, starker reality.
An isolated mom-to-be
Planned Parenthood’s own research arm, the Guttmacher Institute, published a report titled “Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions.” Its conclusion cited “resource limitations, such as financial constraints and lack of partner support.”
That hardly seems empowering to me.
If Planned Parenthood’s own research is correct, it would seem to me that many women find themselves cornered into a dark place where they feel there is no other option but abortion… that they feel pressured into a decision because of a lack of hope.
This line of thinking causes me to consider something Kh. Frederica Mathewes-Green said in our upcoming movie, “Irreplaceable.” When talking with host Tim Sisarich she pinpointed one main reason why an expectant mother would decide to terminate the life of her child – abandonment.
Working together for life
As us pro-lifers continue our mission to make sure every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy knows she’s not alone and that there’s plenty of practical help and support available to her, we have to consider every option and partnership that will make that happen.
I contend the issue of life is THE most important issue of the day. It’s worth it for us to consider working with folks we might have little in common with if we can together stand on a small patch of grass that upholds the sanctity of preborn life. If that means pro-life people of both parties have to join forces to work together, then that’s what we have to do. If it means we have to work with groups of other religions or secular groups, let’s do it.
Let’s work together to reach men with a message of responsibility so they’ll pledge their support to the women they’ve made a baby with.
Whatever it is, in whatever way we can: Let’s join forces so not another woman feels lost in hopeless isolation. Let’s partner together to change the culture of death into one that sees the beauty and potential of life.
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