In 1995, employees at the five-story Sampoong department store in Seoul, South Korea, noticed cracks developing on the top floor around one of the support columns. Despite warnings from civil engineers, the store’s owner refused to close the building for repairs.
It was a minor problem, he insisted.
In reality, the crack was merely a symptom of a much larger structural failure. That became evident on June 29 when the entire building collapsed, killing over 500 people and wounding nearly 1,000 more.
A similar catastrophe is developing in our culture. We notice the cracks in our society, but many choose to ignore them and fail to recognize that the central problem is the breakdown of the family.
The epicenter of that upheaval is the far too high divorce rate, both in and out of the church. It’s weakening the very structure of our nation and, given enough time, could bring everything we value crashing to the ground.
Many will dismiss that warning as alarmist tactics, but marriage is a pillar that stabilizes our society. I appreciate the astute observations of Dr. John MacArthur who describes the impact divorce has.
It’s a violation of the one-flesh-for-life union by which righteousness is passed from one generation to another. Marriage is also the means by which the relationship between Christ and His Church is demonstrated and symbolized in the world. When a marriage is shattered, there’s loss on all fronts. Not only does that particular union break up, but the ability to pass God’s truth to the next generation falls under terrible duress. It also confuses the relationship between the church and Jesus Christ.
It’s all tied together.
With so much at stake, I think it’s important that Christians revisit the topic of divorce and remarriage and develop a thoroughly biblical understanding of the idea.
Dr. MacArthur will be with us for the next two programs to walk us step-by-step through Scripture’s view. He is a Bible scholar, a respected pastor and teacher, and you may know him from his radio program and ministry Grace to You.
I understand that this is a delicate subject for many people, and I appreciate the sensitivity with which Dr. MacArthur shares the biblical perspective.
And, really, what the Bible has to say is the heart of the matter. People are looking for answers. They’re struggling. They’ve fallen prey to the lies of the culture that divorcing at any time for any reason is not only our right, but the quickest way to happiness.
So what does the Bible actually say about divorce and remarriage?
What we can know with certainty is that God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16). We also know that Scripture allows for the dissolution of a marriage within specific parameters, and our two broadcasts will flesh out those ideas at some length.
But it’s also important to share the other side of that perspective. God’s heart is for your marriage, and, like every other area of our lives, His desire is to bring hope and healing to that which is broken. That means that, even if you have biblical grounds for divorce, you can choose to pursue reconciliation.
As I said before, marriage difficulties can be complex and exhausting. If you’re in a hard spot, and you’re not sure if you can save your marriage, please contact us. We’d be happy to walk through your questions with you and offer some perspective or even direct you to local contacts in your area.
We do have caring Christian counselors on staff, and it would be a privilege for them to have an initial consultation with you. Call us, leave your name and number, and they’ll get back with you just as soon as possible. The number during business hours is1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459).
Before I close, I want to remind you of Hope Restored. If you’re on the brink of divorce, these marriage intensives can go a long way toward restoring your hope, facilitating healing between you and your spouse, and bringing restoration to your relationship. The number for Hope Restored is 1-866-875-2915, or visit online at
I hope you’ll take a few minutes today and tomorrow and join us for our conversation with Dr. John MacArthur on your local radio station. Or tune in anytime online or via our free, downloadable mobile phone app.
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