It’s amazing what you can learn about yourself when life gets messy.
My son Troy and I were once on a camping trip, filled with horse rides and hikes through the woods. But one night, just as we were about to hit the sack, I noticed Troy looking a little green. When I asked him how he felt, he said, “Not so good.”
That was just the beginning. Later, at about two in the morning, I awoke to the sound of Trent retching. The worst part was that he was missing the bag I’d provided for just such an emergency. Unfortunately, when I pointed my flashlight in his direction and called out to him, my tone was filled more with agitation than concern.
That night taught me something. I handle big disasters pretty well, but I’m not always so smooth with small problems. A bad grade. A dirty room. Vomit in the tent.
Maybe that’s why a little messiness from time to time is good for me. It brings me face to face with my own weakness. And as the Apostle Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 12:10, recognizing our need is the first step toward discovering new strength.
Like you, I like my life to be as ordered and in control as possible, but I’m learning to say, “Bless this mess!”
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