Yesterday, California’s Supreme Court ignored the will of the people by handing down a landmark decision overturning the state’s ban on same-sex marriage. The 4-3 decision reverses Proposition 22, which defined marriage as being exclusively between one man and one woman. Keep in mind Prop 22 had been passed in 2000 by an overwhelming margin of Californian voters (61 to 39%).
That wasn’t good enough for these justices.
Dr. Dobson reflected, “In 1863, Abraham Lincoln said in the Gettysburg Address that ours is a government ‘of the people, by the people and for the people.’ Well, not in the state of California, where four imperious and unelected justices have just overridden the will of the voters.”
While New Jersey and Vermont have granted same-sex couples many of the same rights and benefits of traditional marriage, California now joins Massachusetts as the second state to redefine the definition of marriage. I’m not an alarmist by nature. But their decision is genuinely alarming. Think about the implications. I predict:
- California churches will be coerced into marry same-sex couples for fear of losing their tax-exempt status on the basis of discrimination.
- Public and private school textbooks used throughout California will have to be revised to include the expanded definition of marriage.
- Homeschoolers—who are already under assault in the Golden State—will face further scrutiny if they fail to teach children that same-sex marriage is a legitimate form of marriage.
- Parents who privately teach their children that God designed marriage to be between a husband and a wife could face punitive measures for failing to conform their views to the State’s position.
What can Californians do when a handful of justices engage in judicial activism? What’s needed more than ever is the passage of a constitutional amendment preserving this basic building block of the family and society. Leading that effort is a coalition of pro-family organizations and churches called To date they’ve secured more than 1.1 million signatures in favor of placing this amendment on the November ballot.
Two final thoughts.
I’m troubled by the fact that a so-called same-sex marriage always deprives a child of either a mother or a father. What’s more, common sense and the overwhelming evidence supports the fact that children do best when they have the benefit of both a mom and a dad. While we all know the hard realities of life don’t always make that ideal possible, to intentionally create fatherless or motherless “marriages” in a same-sex household is to shortchange the well-being of kids.
Secondly, to have a deep conviction against legalizing same-sex marriage is <em>not</em> the same thing as being against homosexuals as people. I believe we should treat all people with love, kindness and respect. Yes, I believe marriage is a sacred union given to us by God, one that should be a life-long, sexually exclusive relationship shared by a husband and wife. At the same time, I desire to defend and preserve marriage in a way that doesn’t disparage those with whom I disagree.
For additional reading, consider: Marriage Under Fire by Dr. James Dobson, Marriage on Trial by Glenn Stanton & Dr. Bill Maier, and The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage, by Erwin Lutzer.
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