“It’s just like an American to think you invented the family.”
That’s what Dr. Lilian Wahomey, a psychologist in Kenya, jokingly said to me over lunch one day. I met with her almost 25 years ago to explore ways Focus on the Family could come alongside families in Africa.
“Do you think our focus on marriage and parenting will be relevant in this part of the world?” I had asked.
With a friendly smile, she reminded me that the core needs of marriages and families transcend language, culture, nationality, and socio-economic status.
Fawn Weaver discovered the same thing when she interviewed couples from all over the world to find out what makes a marriage not just good, but great. What made their relationships just as strong and satisfying behind closed doors as they appear to be in public?
At first, Fawn’s assumptions were similar to mine. Surely the needs of couples in the United States would differ wildly from couples in Asia, Australia, or Latin America. But from South Africa to the Philippines, she talked with couples whose secrets to a happy, thriving marriage were remarkably similar.
Fawn didn’t hand out questionnaires, she met with loving couples face to face. She wanted to see how they interacted. Did they look into each other’s eyes? How playful were they? No matter where they were born or their background, there was consistency throughout the world in the beliefs and behaviors that made a marriage great.
We shouldn’t be surprised. God designed humanity in His image. There may be very real differences between our spoken languages, but we’re all wired with a common “language” to have our marriages meet certain needs.
Fawn will be with us today on our radio program, sharing stories about successful couples from around the world and explaining how what they do can benefit your marriage as well.
Fawn Weaver is an author, speaker, and businesswoman. She founded the Happy Wives Club, a community of more than one million women in 110 countries who connect online.
“Discovering the Secrets of a Happy Marriage” can be heard on your local radio station, or at your convenience online, or via our free phone app.
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