You’ve likely heard that Chick-fil-A has come under fire for supporting traditional marriage and the biblical understanding of the family.
But now it appears that the social media giant, Facebook, temporarily censored a grassroots effort to applaud and support the family-run business.
What’s this all about?
Former Arkansas governor-turned-talk-show-host Mike Huckabee floated the idea of organizing a “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” for August 1st. He talked about it on his FOX News TV show on Sunday, launched a Facebook page to promote it and by Tuesday morning had gathered over 100,000 supporters declaring their agreement with the concept.
By late Tuesday morning, however, the page was gone. It seems Facebook had removed it. After several news outlets pushed for an explanation, including Focus on the Family’s Citizenlink, the page suddenly reappeared this morning.
Just a few minutes ago a Facebook official emailed our team explaining the page was removed in error:
Nevertheless, what’s so controversial about encouraging people to express their support for a privately run business?Yesterday, we mistakenly blocked an event as part of our spam prevention efforts and quickly worked to rectify the mistake as soon as we were notified.
Absolutely nothing, if you ask me. But consider Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy’s initial remarks that sparked the furor in the first place:
We are very much supporters of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit.
I suppose if you consider those comments to be offensive, you’re likely to consider an event supporting their author’s business to be offensive, too. We’re in the middle of one of the hottest summers in history, but there is a chill in the air.
Do you feel it?
When a good man who has devoted his life to managing a successful and upstanding business that’s deeply committed to the community is labeled a bigot for supporting the traditional understanding of family, something is wrong.
When a private grassroots effort to promote that man’s business is deemed unfit for promotion, one gets the sense that something is radically wrong. Dan Cathy and his corporation are deserving of praise. They love and serve all people – and are wonderful role models for how to engage a diverse public.
It may strike you as somewhat odd to discuss persecution in the same paragraph as chicken sandwiches, but God works in all kinds of ways to ready us for the coming age. I believe the opposition we’re seeing in this instance (and there have been others) is a hint of what’s coming, and why should we be surprised? In John’s gospel we read of Jesus’ strong warning:
If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you … If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. (John 15:18-20).
Jesus’ words should serve as a balm to the weary Christian who feels like they’re running an uphill race with little chance of victory. Christ reminds us that we shouldn’t be shocked when ridicule comes our way.
We shouldn’t be surprised when things don’t break in our favor. After all, if the powers of Jesus’ day didn’t favorably acknowledge Him, why should we expect them to warmly welcome us? As Christians, we must rise to the occasion and receive this treatment in stride. Although it can be frustrating to the flesh, we must love those who believe differently than we do. We must strive to see them as Jesus sees them.
If you support Mr. Cathy’s perspective, I’d like to invite you to express yourself in the space below. We’ll make sure the Chick-fil-A executive team receives your comments. I’d also encourage you to consider visiting Chick-fil-A this coming August 1st.
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