We’re fast approaching the fourth annual Bring Your Bible to School Day, when tens of thousands of public school students across the nation will celebrate on Oct. 5.
I’ll share more about it in the coming weeks, but in case you’re not familiar with Bring Your Bible, let me give you a quick explanation: it’s a student-led event sponsored by Focus on the Family where children and teens from all 50 states will share God’s hope and celebrate religious freedom by bringing their Bibles to school and talking about it with their friends.
It’s simple, but powerful.
Duck Dynasty’s Sadie Robertson shares a little bit about the power of God’s word in this lighthearted, exclusive video where she encourages students who will be bringing their Bibles to school on Oct. 5. Take a look:
To learn more about Bring Your Bible to School Day – and to register for this event – visit the website: www.bringyourbible.org.
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