A number of months ago I blogged about Charles Hummel’s little book, Tyranny of the Urgent. In brief, his premise is that urgent things in life tend to throw a tantrum, demanding our immediate attention, energy, and response, while the important things wait patiently for us to move them up the priority list.
There’s a downside to neglecting the important things—like exercising, personal devotions, time spent with family, dental cleanings, changing the oil in the car, or dating your spouse. When important things are ignored too long, the consequences aren’t pretty.
When it comes to this tug of war between what’s important and those pesky urgent things that have a way of dominating our time, I must say I found this video entitled “Family is Beautiful” to be a bit convicting. That’s okay. We can all benefit from a friendly nudge.
The book of Hebrews 10:24 says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another to love and good deeds.” Considering how insanely busy the next several months typically are with the back-to-back holidays, office parties, Christmas plays, and prepping for family visits, perhaps this brief video clip will serve as a gentle reminder to not lose sight of the important stuff—especially when it’s right in front of you and me.
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