By: Michelle Easton
How can you be sure your daughter remains a conservative woman of faith once she leaves your home? Given toxic social media, radical indoctrination in schools, and a popular culture that promotes non-traditional values, parents can’t assume she’ll stay conservative because she went to church. The best parenting mimics the way our heavenly Father loves his children, so our default parental setting should be to return to the immutable and transcendent Judeo-Christian truths that shaped America’s founding.
Key ideas to teach include:
The source of self-worth is God, not government. This is the most important concept for a daughter to understand. Knowing she is uniquely made and unconditionally loved by God will be the cornerstone of her conservativism. Uncle Sam can never substitute for a good father and graceful mother, much less for God. So much of what is conveyed to young women suggests that affirmative action, government-funded health care and housing, and taxpayer-funded “free stuff” are what give girls self-worth. Dependency on government programs fuels socialist and leftist beliefs, since government is their god.
Family comes first as the building block of civilization. A strong, close family increases the odds of a stable, happy future for daughters. Family is the best defense against poverty and best source of love and lifelong support. Use your marriage to show her what a real loving relationship looks like, because that’s going to be her model. If you are raising your daughter alone, you can use a family-first approach by building strong supporting relationships with relatives and church families.
America is exceptional and worth defending. This concept is key to her being a lifelong conservative. What makes America so exceptional is that our rights come from God, not government. Socialists love to tear America down and dwell on past and current challenges instead of our greatness. Your daughter needs to read good history books, suggested in How to Raise a Conservative Daughter, to know there has never been a freer, more prosperous nation than America.
Knowing hard work is a virtue is the most consistent trait I’ve seen in the thousands of conservative young women I have worked with. Once they are old enough, daughters should have jobs and responsibilities that teach them the value of hard work. Leftists encourage “economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.” Unwilling to work! It’s unthinkable to conservatives. Hard work is central to both the American dream and our girls’ personal development.
A woman’s differences are her strengths. Have your daughter celebrate the natural variations between men and women. The breathtaking miracle of childbearing elevates females. Yet the Left teaches young women that having children is a patriarchal burden and inconvenience that limits their success. Help your daughter understand: the Left’s propaganda that men and women are exactly the same is a lie. (At the same time, show her there aren’t any differences between men’s and women’s intelligence.) Before she starts to date, keep her safe by teaching her how physical intimacy affects women very differently than men with the Center for Conservative Women’s booklet Sense & Sexuality: The College Girl’s Guide to Real Protection in a Hooked-Up World.
Defense of life from conception to natural death is a moral obligation. When parents impart that their daughter’s worth flows from God and teach her to respect herself and her life-giving body, she will know that life is sacred and must be defended. Our daughters need to know that abortion is the taking of an innocent human life, plain and simple. Abortion destroys a baby and damages women and their families. She must learn to stand up and speak out for the rights of the unborn and defend those who cannot defend themselves.
When your daughter leaves your home, she will be able to share these concepts and help build an even better America. Teach her to stand up for her beliefs with grace and integrity; there are plenty of good people and organizations that will help her. We conservative women can be lifelong happy warriors for our faith and policy beliefs. How to Raise a Conservative Daughter will help ensure your daughter is too.
Michelle Easton is the author of How to Raise a Conservative Daughter (Regnery Publishing, July 6, 2021) and is the president of the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women.
Tanya Y Singleton says
-This article gives the inaccurate and narrow-minded statement that one cannot entertain different philosophical thought and maintain values taught at home. Do you REALLY believe that a woman’s mind cannot glean information and make her own decisions? I have raised a daughter to be brilliant, strong, inquisitive and faithful. She has served her country next to fellow male and female Americans, is raising three sons in the faith and has maintained her faith. What you have implied reeks of nationalism, which is NOT compatible with what the Bible teaches of Christ.
Darling says
-I couldn’t agree more. This does reek of nationalism, which is NOT compatible with what the Bible teaches of Christ. Jesus could have changed government when he walked this earth but he didn’t. He said to give to Caesar what is Caesars. Why do you choose to serve the idol of country and idol of family? God is the only one to be worshiped.
MegJinDC says
-Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values. We have been greatly blessed as a country because of this fact, and there is nothing wrong with patriotism.
Ayana says
-This blog piece erroneously equates conservative with being a Christ follower. It also paints an inaccurately extreme picture of some so-called beliefs that are not completely aligned with conservative values. How about we demonstrate to our daughters how they can walk in love by loving God with all their hearts and minds and loving their neighbors (all neighbors) as well? And what about teaching our children to examine whatever they hear and see out in society through a scripture based lens? Scripture doesn’t mention socialism, the left, conservative, America, affirmative action, or anything.
Debra says
-How to raise a daughter that loves our Lord Jesus Christ period. She believes and obey His word. Her life is a witness to those around her not because she is a conservative, liberal etc. (labels men not God created) but because she is salt.
MegJinDC says
-Liberal beliefs in our society are anti-Christian. Being conservative matches our values as Christians. This is a great article, and I will keep applying these concepts with my daughters.
Mary says
-YES!!! Thank you!
Lorraine Simpson says
-Thank you! I hope this goes viral! Blessings for your ministry!
Stephanie says
-This article is disturbing and completely inaccurate. You are not spreading truth. You are spreading lies and harm.
Laura James says
-Awesome, encouraging and helpful ideas! Thank you for communicating these so well!
Blessings, LaurA J.
Steve Chase says