What would you do if your child was diagnosed with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), ADHD, ADD, and ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder)?
I like how Sally Clarkson responded. When her son Nathan was little, she wasn’t sure what she was dealing with, but she knew there was something about him that was different than other so-called “good” kids.
He frequently got into trouble and needed to talk – to argue, to ask questions, to complain. He was constantly moving, wiggling, and fidgeting with anything and anyone around him. His ability to focus was so poor, he could only read for 10 or 15 minutes at a time and didn’t test well. In high school, he would shower multiple times a day and wash his hands until they bled.
Early on, Sally realized that although medication could be helpful, it wouldn’t magically solve the challenges she and Nathan faced. She felt like the Lord was saying to her, “You’re in for a journey. Let Me carry Nathan. You just live by faith and do what you can. Most importantly, love him for who he is, not for what he’s not.”
Has that journey been easy? No. But with God’s help and guidance Sally has learned how best to come alongside Nathan, how to embrace all the ways he’s different, and how to help him find his unique gifts and purpose in life.
We’re talking with Sally and Nathan on our radio broadcast today, “Embracing Your Child’s Differences.” They’ll offer hope and practical ideas to parents who are raising a child who sees and processes the world a little differently than everybody else.
Sally is an author and speaker, and Nathan is a writer, actor, and artist who lives in Los Angeles and New York City. Together, they’ve written a book about their story called “Different: The Story of an Outside-the-Box Kid and a Mom Who Loves Him.”
You can hear the program on your local radio station, online, or on our free phone app. And don’t forget to check our online store for all kinds of helpful digital and print resources pertaining to marriage, parenting, faith, and life challenges.
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