Stephen Arterburn calls the negative repercussions of abortion on men our nation’s “silent shame.”
Every abortion involves a man, and there have been almost 60 million abortions since 1973. That is a breathtaking number of men who either couldn’t or wouldn’t defend their own flesh and blood.
The physiological effects of post-abortion syndrome on a man can be devastating. It can include things like depression; an inability to bond with future children; a fear of loss or more pain; shame; survival guilt; or self-punishing and self-degrading behaviors like getting into relationships that are abusive because you don’t think you deserve anything better.
Steve suffered with “silent shame” for years. He pressed a girl he was dating in college into having an abortion. Health problems he developed in the following months landed him in the hospital, where a doctor told him he could die if something in his life didn’t change.
His life did change. He’s been on a journey of healing ever since and is now the author of dozens of books, the founder and chairman of New Life Ministries and host of the syndicated Christian counseling talk show “New Life Live!”
Steve is sharing his story on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “How Abortion Impacts Men.” I’m pleased that we were able to offer a man’s perspective on abortion today. Tune in onyour local radio station, online, oniTunes, via Podcast, or take us with you on our free phone app.
Since our “See Life Clearly” campaign began in mid-February, we’ve been hearing from women, but also many men who have experienced the pain of abortion and who are seeking healing.
If you’ve had a part in choosing abortion, you have another choice to make: live in that shame and condemnation, or live free in Christ of shame and condemnation. Hebrews 8:12 says, “For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.”
If this program brings up pain from your own past, please give us a call. Our staff would count it a privilege to listen to your story, to pray with you, and to set up a call-back from a counselor if that’s what’s needed. We can also help you find a Christian counselor in your own area for follow-up care. Give us a call during business hours at 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459).
We at Focus on the Family are committed to advancing the pro-life cause by declaring that we are allmade in the image of God from conception to natural death. We’re defending life with broadcasts like this and with our Option Ultrasoundprogram.
When a pregnant woman sees an ultrasound, her odds of completing an abortion are greatly reduced. Our program places ultrasound units in pregnancy resource centers. We have helped to save an estimated 425,000 babies over the past 15 years!
Speaking of ultrasounds, Focus on the Family is hosting an event on Saturday, May 4 in Times Square called Alive from New York. During this live event, a 4D ultrasound of a preborn baby will be conducted and broadcast on big screens in Times Square. I hope you’ll join us for this powerful visual example of the sanctity of human life.
In addition to donating to Option Ultrasoundand joining us for Alive from New York, add your signature to theDeclaration for Life.
And don’t forget, Focus on the Family is listener-supported. We depend on your involvement to help strengthen marriages and families around the country and the world. So, thank you for your generosity today.
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