Since you’re not perfect, your marriage can’t be perfect, either.
But what would you say if I told you 90% of the conflicts in your marriage could be resolved by doing just one thing?
Does it sound implausible, too good to be true?
Not according to recent guests on our daily broadcast, Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott.
According to the research, 90% of marital conflict could be resolved (or avoided) if we simply put ourselves in our partner’s shoes.
In other words, the quickest way to a happier home and satisfying marriage is to try and see life and its challenges from our spouse’s perspective.
Some call it compassion or empathy. When he wrote to the church at Rome, the Apostle Paul put it in simple terms: “Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep” (Romans 12:15).
Empathizing is a scripturally solid habit, but it’s hard work, too.
I hope you’ll click here to listen to the entirety of our discussion.
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