Has this happened to you?
It’s date night and you decide to see a movie. You’re standing in the ticket line tempted to see the movie everyone is talking about. You notice the larger-than-life posters swinging from the ceiling in the lobby heralding its release. Sure look interesting. But you remain uncertain. Far too often you’ve been disappointed by a friend’s recommendation. There’s been too much violence . . . more profanity than a gangsta rap record . . . or maybe it was just plain boring. Hardly worth the $9.
The line inches ahead. Almost time to make your choice.
If only you had access to a fair and balanced movie review from a family perspective. Sure, you’re familiar with PluggedInOnline.com. One problem. In your hurry to get out the door, you forgot to checkout what our film reviewers had to say before leaving home. Now what? Hope for the best? Ask a young ticket salesperson what they’d suggest? Call a friend who’s seen it and then rely upon their taste, judgment and discernment – or lack thereof?
Is 88 Minutes worth spending 90 minutes watching?
Is Prom Night a parent’s nightmare?
Is The Forbidden Kingdom something you should forbid?
Is Horton Hears a Who! a worthy pick for you know who?
Good news! The answers are now as close as your cell phone.
For a limited time you can enjoy our latest PluggedIn movie reviews from just about anywhere via your mobile phone. Best of all, our movie reviews are provided free. The editors of PluggedIn have boiled down their full, in-depth reviews to an abbreviated phone-friendly version. Get the scoop before parting with your cash.
I’m also pleased to announce that you can also enjoy daily insight and analysis on family related issues from our Family News In Focus news team. Get up-to-the-minute headlines and reports by signing up for this free cell phone access.
To receive our film reviews or news headlines, you’ll need a WAP-enabled mobile phone and pay any web access service fees charged by your mobile phone carrier. Now, enjoy your movie!
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