If your marriage isn’t all that it could be, maybe you’ve forgotten how valuable your spouse really is.
One Christmas, author Gary Thomas decided to help his wife Lisa decorate. As he set out a few knick-knacks, one of the ceramic reindeer slipped off the edge and shattered into pieces. Lisa barely blinked an eye. “Don’t worry about it,” she said. “I’ll just buy another one.”
Fast forward a couple of months and Gary was emptying the dishwasher when a teacup slipped through his fingers and broke. This time Lisa was visibly upset. Although the teacup wasn’t worth much more than the reindeer he’d broken, it was one of the few things she had left from her grandmother.
As Lisa’s response illustrates, we cherish what’s valuable to us.
It’s true with teacups, and it’s true in marriage. Lisa’s teacup was nothing unique, but she saw it’s deeper value. In marriage, we have to see past life’s ordinary moments to our spouse’s deeper value.
Let’s face it, marriage isn’t always glamorous and polished. Our hair is a mess in the morning. We go to bed grouchy and tired. In between are laundry, bills, and grocery shopping. Those mundane moments can distract us from our spouse’s deeper value.
So, if your marriage isn’t all that it could be, look past the grind of everyday life and remember just how valuable your spouse is.
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