As we prepare for Palm Sunday this weekend and the beginning of Holy Week, I want to encourage you to watch a great new film about the most significant day in history – the day that literally transformed the world.
The movie is called RESURRECTION and it comes out on Discovery Plus this weekend.
On today’s Focus on the Family radio broadcast, I had the privilege of speaking with the film’s producers, Roma Downey and Mark Burnett about it. Here is how Roma described the motivation behind the movie’s creation:
We’re all just coming through one of the worst years that we’ve ever experienced with the COVID pandemic, and Mark and I, in conversation with each other said, “Wouldn’t it be great if we were able to release a film that told the story of hope?”
And surely there’s no greater hope story in the world than the story of the resurrection.
So we, we rushed with our editors to put this beautiful film together. We thought around Christmas time that perhaps we would have still had the opportunity to get it into theaters, but it became clear that that wasn’t going to happen because of pandemic. And so, we’re delighted to being able to partner with Discovery Plus, which is a brand-new platform, very family friendly platform.
Mark added:
In RESURRECTION you can feel the fear and the terror of the disciples. They didn’t really think Jesus would get killed and crucified. Peter, the leader, ran away and denied Him three times. Only John was even there with Jesus’ mother, Mary Magdalene at the cross. And so that shame, that feeling, we can all feel that we’ve all made mistakes. We’re not always as brave as we should be. And that’s what you really see in this movie. These are real people. I think people who’ve never been to church or never really read the Bible, on watching Resurrection could see themselves, that these are real characters.
I hope you’ll listen to today’s full conversation and consider watching the film. When you do, please let me know what you think!
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