The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, spoke openly about her organization’s support of eugenics. She advocated for the compulsory segregationor sterilization of the “unfit.”
She believed the public welfare system and those who were in it should be eliminated. She advocated eliminating the “unfit” before they were born to avoid becoming a burden to society.
The irony is, even though Planned Parenthood leadership in recent years has distanced itself from Sanger and her goals … they’re achieving them anyway.
For example, the most ardent abortion supporters deny any negative impact on the African-American community. The troubling statistics tell a very different tale:
- Black women account for roughly seven percent of the population but nearly 35 percent of all abortions.
- Account for the number of that seven percent who are of childbearing age, and the percentage drops to three or four percent who are responsible for 35 percent of all abortions.
Planned Parenthood and others are having a devastating impact on the future potential of vibrant African-American leaders, educators, scientists, doctors, and others.
Reverend Walter Hoye is passionate about saving pre-born babies from abortion. He grew up in Detroit and is a pro-life champion in the African-American community. He’s the founder and CEO of the Issues for Life Foundation, which helps raise awareness and support the rights of the pre-born.
The issue of life became deeply personal for Walter after the arrival of his firstborn son, who weighed 2.1 pounds when he was born premature at 25 weeks. The doctors explained that there was nothing they could do for the child except keep him comfortable.
The doctors said, “Medicine can’t solve your son’s problems.” Walter responded, “You’re good doctors, but we’re entrusting him to the Great Physician.”
Walter’s son is now 33.
Walter remembers looking at his son shortly after birth, no bigger than the palm of his hand, and hearing God say, “This is what’s growing inside of a pregnant woman.” At that point, Walter knew what abortion was, and knew what abortion did.
Walter is sharing his story on our Focus on the Family Broadcast “Taking a Pro-Life Stand in the Black Community.”He’s highlighting what we all can do to be a voice for voiceless children. He’s also sharing how and why he went to jail for his convictions.
Listen online, oniTunes, via Podcast, or on our free phone app, or watch the full program on our YouTubechannel.
Walter’s story is told in a terrific book called Black and Pro-Life In America: The Incarceration and Exoneration of Walter B. Hoye.
We at Focus on the Family are committed to taking a stand on the pro-life issue to declare that we are allmade in the image of God from conception to natural death. I believe that God is honored when we hold up that ideal and when we allow Him to work through us to save helpless babies.
If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy or struggling with painful choicesfrom your past, we have caring Christian counselors on staff, and it would be their privilege to offer you a free initial consultation. Call us, leave your name and number, and they’ll get back with you just as soon as possible. The number during business hours is 1-800-A-FAMILY(232-6459).
Focus on the Family is defending life with broadcasts like this and with our Option Ultrasoundprogram. When a pregnant woman sees an ultrasound, her odds of completing an abortion are greatly reduced. Our program places ultrasound units in pregnancy resource centers. We have helped to save an estimated 425,000 babies over the past 15 years!
In addition to donating to Option Ultrasound, there are other ways you can be involved in the fight for life. Make yourvoice heard with two calls to action:
First, add your signature to the Declaration for Life.
Second, we’re in the middle of our campaign called See Life Clearly. Focus on the Family is hosting an event on Saturday, May 4 in Times Square called Alive from New York. During this live event, a 4D ultrasound of a preborn baby will be conducted and broadcast on the Times Square big screens. I hope you’ll join us for this powerful visual example of the sanctity of human life.
Focus on the Family is listener-supported. We depend on your help to help strengthen marriages and families around the country and the world. So, thank you for generosity today.
And when you help Focus on the Family today with a gift, your donation will be for doubled for twice the impact in helping others through this ministry. Our thanks to generous donors who’ve made that possible.(For more information, visit our website.)
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