A news summary on issues that matter.
Boy Scouts’ President Calls for End to Ban on Homosexual Leaders
When the Boy Scouts began allowing openly homosexual members in 2013 we warned the change would inevitably and eventually lead to the acceptance of homosexual leaders.
Sadly, this prediction has come true.
Yesterday, Robert M. Gates, president of the Boy Scouts of America, officially called for the group to end its ban on homosexual Scout leaders. Speaking at the organization’s national meeting, Mr. Gates said, “We must deal with the world as it is, not as we might wish it to be.” He added, “Any other alternative will be the end of us as a national movement.”
Ironically, it’s the very decision to render its “morally straight” doctrine irrelevant that further erodes the organization’s once golden brand. Worse yet, although not politically correct to say, this decision now puts innocent boys in a heightened position of risk. I realize that most homosexual males are not pedophiles, but can we not face facts and recognize that more young boys will be victimized as a result?
And while Mr. Gates is advocating for churches (which sponsor some 70 percent of Scout units) to “determine the standards for their Scout leaders” in the name of religious freedom, it would seem to be only a matter of time before they’re forced to abandon that position as well.
She Wanted to Die But Her Doctor Helped Convince Her to Live
A few months ago, a doctor friend of mine who had recently lost his wife to cancer guest blogged for me, explaining why he opposes physician-assisted suicide. He shared the importance of doctors affirming the inherent worth of their terminally ill patients. In a related story, The Daily Signal reports on a woman who had chosen to die but who ultimately survived her terminal cancer diagnosis in part because her doctor reminded her of all she had to live for. As we consider this issue, it’s important to remember that legalizing physician-assisted suicide ultimately corrupts the doctor-patient relationship and endangers the weak and vulnerable.
Meet a Real-Life Hero
Focus’ Citizen Magazine recently introduced its readers to Bazzel Baz, a man who combines his strong Christian faith with his training as a former U.S. Marine and long-time CIA officer to save kidnapped children. Sounds like a movie, right? No … it’s better.
Read the incredible article, which is part of Citizen Magazine’s online offerings. You can also subscribe to receive the full magazine delivered right to your home.
A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights
Turns out we don’t have to imagine what the future holds if marriage is redefined in the U.S. We can simply look to our neighbors to the north and see what eventually happens: “freedoms of speech, press, religion, and association have suffered greatly due to government pressure. The debate over same-sex marriage that is taking place in the United States could not legally exist in Canada today. Because of legal restrictions on speech, if you say or write anything considered ‘homophobic’ (including, by definition, anything questioning same-sex marriage), you could face discipline, termination of employment, or prosecution by the government,” writes Canadian Dawn Stefanowicz, who is the daughter of a homosexual father.
She also tells of “hate tribunals,” increased state interference in parenting and education, and a surveillance-society. This is a must-read article for those of us currently praying God will give the U.S. Supreme Court judges wisdom as they decide the definition of marriage in our country.
Should Christians watch “Game of Thrones”?
HBO’s “Game of Thrones” regularly features gratuitous sex scenes, graphic violence and even incest. Yet the most recent episode apparently reached new lows, causing critics to slam the show for a rape scene. Missouri’s Sen. Claire McCaskill tweeted that the scene was “gratuitous” and “disgusting.”
With some in the Christian and conservative communities attempting to justify watching “Game of Thrones,” sometimes-controversial blogger Matt Walsh raises important questions:
“Even without the rape, there are still important questions we should ask ourselves about this show and so many others like it, such as: should sex be turned into a circus for our viewing pleasure? Is there anything redemptive about pornography just because it’s featured on a premium cable series rather than someone’s webcam? If I watch five seasons worth of it, will I come away somehow more enlightened? Is this honing my moral compass? Is this drawing me closer to Truth? Am I proud of myself for watching this?”
The national conversation brings two things to mind:
- The entertainment we take in matters. Media influences us, and we can’t pretend it doesn’t. As Christians, we need to be discerning in our entertainment choices. As parents, we have to teach our kids the same.
- In our culture, sexual violence against women is routinely portrayed on TV, in films or in our songs – just look at the recent success of “Fifty Shades of Grey” as an example. The fact that this is regarded as “entertainment” says something deeply troubling about a nation’s moral health.
If you have any questions about movies, television or music, I would encourage you to regularly check in with our outstanding team over at PluggedIn.com. They offer timely reviews and commentary that will provide you with the information you need to make informed media-related decisions.
Why men should marry
Research continually bears out why marriage is important to society and individuals. Dr. W. Bradford Wilcox writes in The Washington Post why marriage is important to men. Among other benefits:
“Men who get married work harder and more strategically, and earn more money than their single peers from similar backgrounds.” It’s a wake-up call to all the “men who are reluctant to settle down until they make more money.”
Hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful and meaningful Memorial Day weekend.
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