Some time ago, a colleague tacked up the following sign above his door here at Focus:
Live Well (Philippians 1:27-28), Love Much (John 13:34-35), Laugh Often (Proverbs 17:22)
There is so much to say about each of these, but if laughter is truly good medicine, I thought I’d end the week by sharing something sweet – and comical, with you.
Riley was five years old. His father is on our team here at Focus, and he and his wife have made a habit of recording some of the more memorable comments the little tyke makes, especially at bedtime.
One night during their prayers together he said the following:
Dear God. I am amazed at something. You are truly God. Heaven is so big, which means it must be so heavy – and yet it can hang so high up in the sky above the clouds. How do you do that? OK. I was just wondering. Amen.
Another nighttime prayer went like this:
Dear Lord, Thank you for everything. And thank you for the world. I just love you. You’re a great God. I just love your world. But that doesn’t mean that I love my backyard, my great house and my comfy bed more than I love you. I love you more. And thank you for Baskin Robbins and ice water. They are great. Amen.
After a day of dealing with some disobedience, little Riley was heard saying the following prayer in his bed:
Dear Jesus. Please forgive me for disobeying. I’m so sorry that I did that. How can you ever forgive me? I know that you will. I love you so much. Amen.
Beyond the humor there is a wonderful quality to childhood prayers. How beautiful to witness such innocence and tenderness from the tongue of a little boy or girl. It will not always be so. If you have a young child in your home, I hope you’ll take the time to ponder and treasure this fleeting season. You’re probably tired and stretched thin – but these days will only last so long.
Would you be willing to share some of the poignant or humorous things your children have said?
After all, as my colleague’s sign reminds all who pass by, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22).
And remember:
Live well.
Love much.
Laugh often.
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