If you happen to be one of the anticipated 7-8 million people tuning into Fox News’ coverage of the Republican National Convention tonight or tomorrow, you’ll likely see our latest ad.
As of this afternoon, it’s scheduled to run on Wednesday night at 10:10 pm, EDT.
I want to give you a sneak peek, though, and ask if you’d please consider sharing it within your circle of influence.
Since Focus on the Family’s inception in 1977, the ministry has been championing and celebrating the protection of pre-born life. The campaign to end abortion and protect every life under law has been a long and arduous journey. Over 60 million precious lives have been lost since the Supreme Court legalized abortion in all 50 states back in 1973.
Thankfully, though, life is winning! Abortion zealots are on the run as technology continues to shine the light on the left’s lie.
What did you see when you saw the ad? A blob of tissue? Or a unique life created in God’s own image?
We’re all fervently working towards the premiere of a very special online pro-life event that we’ve scheduled for Saturday, September 26th at 8 PM eastern.
It’s call See Life 2020 – and you will not want to miss it.
This dramatic and eye-opening program will feature the compelling and convincing voices of people you know – conservative activist Candace Owens, former NFL star Michael Singletary, one-time Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson, Live Action’s Lila Rose and Alveda King – all hosted by former NFL star Benjamin Watson and March for life president, Jeanne Mancini, to name just a few people – along with myself and award-winning musical artists.
See Life 2020 will culminate with a beautiful 4D ultrasound of a pre-born baby. Trust me when I say that you will not soon forget this unique event.
If you get cable, please watch our special spot on Fox News – and let me know what you think. Please also share the above link with your friends, won’t you? And don’t forget to mark your calendars for Saturday, September 26th at 8 PM eastern time.
Mary Ann Tucker says
-Hello! I am happy seeing pro-life commercials and hope to see a lot more of them. I have an idea for a commercial, 10 to 15 seconds. If you can tell me who I should or could submit this to. I’m not sure who makes these commercials. Also, have commercials with statements from Dads, in favor of pro-life.who want to have his baby. The dad is never brought up in the decision making process -it is not only the woman’s child, it is the father’s as, well.
LizFOTF says
Hi, Mary Ann. We appreciate your suggestion. We’ve often put into practice recommendations we’ve received from friends like you, and we rely on such feedback to remain relevant to today’s households. We would love it if you emailed your idea for a commercial to us at [email protected]. Grace and peace to you!
Paul Sugalski says
– Dear Focus on the Family,
Thanks for the amazing amount of timely, accurate, and valuable information your Ministry is providing. The Daly Blog had been extremely informative and is a well written reliable source of sound information. On behalf of the Unborn, thanks for the amazing Video / 2020 See Life. Please share with the FOF listening audience that the National wide and World wide Pro-Life 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil in front of Planned Parenthood facilities is currently underway. All are welcome. Lastly please give our blessings to the 12 year old boy named Sawyer who raised $ 3,000.00 to help save the lives of 50 babies. Hope to see you Sawyer at the 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil.
God bless you.
Paul Sugalski