I was struck by this full-page ad that ran in this past Sunday’s New York Times.
The advertisement was placed in response to the current debate about banning oversized soft drinks in New York City. Coke used the placement to remind consumers they offer a variety of package sizes, including a 7.5 ounce “portion-control” can.
In thinking about Coke’s main message, “everything in moderation, except fun,” I got to thinking there’s a parallel to our Christian faith. God has blessed us with many wonderful gifts – gifts that when properly received and employed can make for a lot of fun and even joy in life. But these same gifts, if taken to the extreme, will bring harm and heartache.
It’s true, isn’t it, that many areas of the Christian life are intended to be marked by a spirit of temperance or self-control? The Lord wants us to be “all in” when it comes to sharing our faith and abiding by His Word. When it comes to our commitment and fervor for Jesus there’s no room for moderation.
But there are other “good things” that if we’re not careful can become ultimate things if consumed in excess. Sex and intimacy between a husband and wife is certainly a gift of God, but sex outside of marriage causes all kinds of problems.
Medicine can ease suffering and bring relief, but take too much and the exact opposite occurs. Consider the many recreational pursuits that are available to us – from golf to fishing to reading.
These are enjoyable outlets to be sure. But if you devote excessive time and energy to them, trouble will not be far behind.
And don’t forget that when we play within the Lord’s boundaries, joy and, yes, often fun, will inevitably follow.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;” said Jesus,” I have come that they may have life,and have it to the full” (John 10:10).
Enjoy the weekend!
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